Beads, Beads, Beads...........

Friday, January 15, 2010 at 3:38 PM
I have been so preoccupied with getting through Christmas, updating my website, blog, facebook, and so on, that I have finally just got around to posting my first set of beads for the year on eBay, Valentine Bling.  I have a couple other sets to add this weekend.  It is just a matter of taking the pictures and posting them.  It sounds so easy and yet finding the time to do all I have to get done is sometimes overwhelming.  SIGH!!!!!
My first few sets I am posting will all have the dichroic(glitter effect) application that everyone seems to love right now.  I have been told dichroic was originally developed by NASA.  I have yet to actually look up exactly what it was used for by them, but that is on my list of "To Do's".  The type of dichroic I am using is a newer application of the product.  It is alot thicker and brighter then most other dichroic on the market.  I have heard it referred to as "pure dichroic".  Having used the older dichroic applications and now this newer type, I completely understand why they refer it as the "pure dichroic".        

Hopefully this year will I will be able to push myself to make more beads and increase the market of my website.  I will work hard and do my best; and hopefully, I will reap the benefits.  Wish me luck......